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Summertime, vacations, hot and fiery, another performance in our diary!

The World of Music amid Fire concert promoting DUO Performance’s The Greatest Hits cd is
the latest fun project we are pleased to be taking part in. Two powerful voices, explosions of
fire and delicate dance, you simply can’t miss it!

This time we are in charge of delicate dance, yet Crush on Trash can’t help but to sprinkle a few upcycled notes. The costumes for dancers and fire performers, made of upcycled clothes and fabrics, have been breathed a new stage life by the talented Anna Seręga.

See you tomorrow at the premiere at the Pawlówice Borough Cultural Centre at 9 p.m., and at its reprise at The Summer Music Festival in Wieliczka, on 7th July, 7;30 p.m.